Documentation for API containing information on funded projects
This application programming interface (API) makes basic data available, in machine-readable format, about projects we funded in our calls starting from 2006. Data in the API is updated daily and may be used freely without fees or other restrictions.
Formas’ funded projects are classified under a system of forms of assistance and forms of grants.
The following table shows the forms of assistance and grants for the projects included in the API. Direct assistance payments to a predetermined recipient as stated in Formas’ appropriation directions and transfers made by Formas under other funders’ calls are not included in the API.
Form of assistance | Form of grant |
Research support | Research projects |
Innovation support | Innovation projects |
Collaboration and real-world impact | Sector mobility |
Career support | Early Career Research Project |
Communication support | Communication projects |
The variables for the project are shown in the table below. Formas has developed the API in partnership with the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova. Variables marked with an asterisk (*) are comparable to the corresponding variables in Vinnova’s API for funded projects External link.. Information about the administrating organisation, the project end date and the amount granted might change when a project is ongoing. The API presents current information. BeviljatDatum refers to the date when the original grant was awarded. Any date for subsequent decisions on awarding additional grants is not reported.
Variable | Example | Data type | Definition |
Diarienummer* | "2019-02506" | nvarchar(50) | ID of the call for proposal in Formas’ register |
Ärenderubrik* | "Skötsel av blandskog, variation i skog och bioekonomi" | nvarchar(200) (max) | Project title in Swedish |
ÄrenderubrikEngelska* | "Mixed-forest Management: Diversity to forests and bioeconomy" | nvarchar(max) | Project title in English |
Projektbeskrivning | I både Sverige och Finland har den dominerande skogsskötselmodellen under lång tid varit skötsel av trädslagsrena och jämnåriga tall- och granbestånd [...] | nvarchar(max) | Description in Swedish of the project’s purpose |
Abstract | In Sweden and Finland, forest management models have favored the coniferous trees Scots pine and Norway spruce in even-aged monocultures [...] | nvarchar(max) | Description in English of the project’s purpose |
Nyckelord | "blandskog, skogsskötsel, biodiversitet," | nvarchar(256) | Keywords |
SCBForskningsämneKod | "40104" | int | Numerical value for research subject according to system developed by Statistics Sweden |
SCBForskningsämneNamn | "Skogsvetenskap" | nvarchar(512) | Name of research area according to system created by Statistics Sweden |
FormasÄmnesområde | "Skogsbruk" | nvarchar(256) | Name of subject area according to Formas’ system |
Hållbarhetsmål | "12 Hållbar konsumtion och produktion, 13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna, 15 Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald" | nvarchar(128) | Sustainability goals according to Agenda 2030 |
DiarienummerUtlysning* | "2019-02390" | nvarchar(50) | ID of the call for proposal in Formas’ register |
UtlysningTitel | "Tandem Forest Values 2019" | nvarchar(200) | Name of the call |
BeviljatDatum | "2019-12-13" | datetime | Date the project was awarded funding |
ProjektStart* | "2020-04-01" | date | Date of the project start |
ProjektSlut* | "2023-03-31" | date | Date of intended or actual project end |
BeviljatBidrag* | "3000000" | int | Amount of project grant awarded |
MedelsförvaltareNamn | "Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet" | nvarchar(256) | Name of administrating organisation |
MedelsförvaltareOrgnr | "202100-2817" | nvarchar(14) | Corporate identity number of the administrating organisation |
Status* | "Öppet" | nvarchar(256) | Indicates whether the project is ongoing or completed |
API calls and use
The API is called by typing an instruction in your browser’s address bar. The following three different search options are available.
- To retrieve all applications: External link. - To retrieve one application using its reference number:{id} External link.
Example using reference number 2010-00824: External link. - To retrieve all applications changed on and after a specific date:{yyyy-mm-dd} External link.
Example using the date 2020-12-10: External link.