National research programmes
The Swedish goverment has initiated 13 national research programmes. Formas is responsible for four of these – Climate, Sustainable Spatial Planning, Food and Oceans and Water.
All of the programmes are broad, ten-year initiatives that will contribute to solving prioritised societal challenges and strengthening collaborations between those performing the research, those funding the research and stakeholders in society. The national research programmes will build on the common national research agendas for the respective areas.
The national research programme on climate will contribute to achieving Sweden's objective to become a fossil fuel-free society and the ambition to be a leading participant in global efforts to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Reducing the climate impact of humans necessitates comprehensive transitions and adaptations in Sweden, in the EU and globally. Tackling climate challenges therefore requires research within several different subject areas, as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and innovation.
The national research programme within sustainable spatial planning must generate knowledge that provides the possibilities to develop new solutions within all sectors of society in order to create a safe, secure, sustainable and inclusive society. Sweden and the world currently faces decisive social challenges that we must recognise and manage to be able to continue to build a modern and sustainable welfare state. This programme is based on the sustainability targets of Agenda 2030 and the national environmental objectives. Formas is also responsible for closely related initiatives concerning social housing policy research.
Strategic agenda for the Sustainable Spatial Planning programme
The national research programme for food is carried out within the framework of the Swedish Government’s food strategy, which is intended to create more jobs and sustainable growth nationwide. The long-term, interdisciplinary research programme will strengthen needs-driven research, increase the focus on product development, innovation, dissemination and commercialisation of research results, as well as raise knowledge levels over the entire food supply chain. Formas has established a committee for funders of food research. The mandate of this committee covers the entire food chain, from primary production to consumption, based on the global sustainability goals and the Swedish Government’s food strategy.
The national research program for Oceans and Water will provide necessary conditions for working strategically and long-term keeping in mind a holistic perspective on water. The program should facilitate close collaborations between researchers and stakeholders, and gather all relevant financing agencies that adress water. The research needs to focus on understanding natural processes and their interactions, as well as anthropogenic pressures and effects on climate and environment. Research should include the Baltic region (representing one of the most polluted seas in the world) as well as the region of Öresund (navigation channel with high traffic density).
The program started 2021 and has a duration of ten years.
The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare and the Swedish Research Council are responsible for the other national research programmes:
- National research programme on Antibiotic Resistance External link.
- National research programme on Applied Welfare Research External link.
- National research programme within Migration and Integration External link.
- National research programme on Working Life Research External link.
- National programme on mental health research External link.